3 Keto Chicken Florent-Keto Recipe-Keto Diet-Keto Plan

Keto Chicken Florent

Diet keto is a diet that is carried out by adopting a diet low in carbohydrates, but high in fat. This diet method is gaining popularity because it is considered fast weight loss. On the other hand, the keto diet is still controversial because if it is not done properly, it might endanger health.

In order to achieve the benefits of fast weight loss from the keto diet, you should first know various things about the keto diet, including how to live it and the risks. Thus, you will be able to understand and calculate whether this type of diet is suitable for your body condition and physical abilities.



What is the Keto Diet?
The keto diet is similar to the Atkins diet, low-carb diet, and other low-carb diets that reduce carbohydrate consumption and increase fat consumption. The goal of consuming high amounts of fat on the keto diet is for the body to reach ketosis.

In this condition, the body will burn fat as the main energy source. Fat will also be converted into ketones in the liver, so that it can provide energy for the brain.

Ketosis is actually a mild condition of ketoacidosis, a dangerous condition that many people with type 1 diabetes experience.

Although there are still many pros and cons, several studies show that the keto diet is safe and effective to do, especially for people who are overweight or obese.

Until now, the benefits and effects of the keto diet on the body are still being studied. It's best to do the keto diet for a certain time and under the supervision of a doctor.

Various Benefits of the Keto Diet
Before being used to lose weight, the keto diet was actually recommended as a way to treat several types of diseases, especially to reduce the frequency of seizures in children with epilepsy who were not successfully treated with drugs.

Some of the conditions that benefit from the keto diet include:

1. Controlling blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes
For people with type 2 diabetes, the keto diet is the recommended diet as long as the fat consumed is healthy fats, such as fat from salmon, nuts, and avocado.

Low intake of carbohydrates with high fat is believed to improve the body's performance in storing and processing energy. This will then relieve the symptoms of diabetes that you feel.

In order to monitor the safety of the keto diet in diabetics, it is recommended that sufferers routinely have their blood sugar levels checked every day. Don't let your blood sugar levels get too low. Testing for ketone levels also needs to be done to avoid ketoacidosis.

2. Relieve symptoms of epilepsy in children
According to a number of studies, the keto diet can relieve symptoms of epilepsy in children. This diet is very effective, especially for children with epilepsy symptoms that are difficult to treat with regular medication.

A study that tested 150 children with epilepsy showed that after being on the keto diet for 1 year, half of the children had a 50% reduction in seizure frequency.

3. Reducing the risk of heart disease
A keto diet that is run by increasing the consumption of healthy fats is likely to reduce the risk of suffering from heart disease. This is thought to be because the keto diet can reduce insulin levels, so that cholesterol production in the body also decreases. This condition will reduce the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.


4. Reducing the risk of developing nervous system disorders
Apart from epilepsy, the keto diet is also believed to have benefits for treating nervous system disorders such as Alzheimer's, sleep disorders, and Parkinson's disease. This is thought to be due to the ketones produced by the body to break down fat into energy, thereby protecting brain cells from damage.

The keto diet can also provide several other benefits, such as reducing acne, helping treat PCOS, and inhibiting cancer development. Apart from that, this diet method also inhibits inflammation of gout.

Therefore, many health practitioners provide recommendations for the keto diet, but of course, it must be done in the right way.

How to Live the Right Keto Diet
For those of you who are interested in doing the keto diet, you must be willing to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates every day in large enough quantities. The standard keto diet (standard ketogenic diet) includes a diet in the form of 75% fat consumption, 20% protein consumption, and 5% carbohydrate consumption.

Meanwhile, the high-protein keto diet (high-protein ketogenic diet) has a larger portion of protein consumption. The diet that is applied is 60% fat, 5% carbohydrates, and 35% protein.

So, what foods are avoided or suggested in the keto diet?
Read This..

#ketodiet #ketogenic #ketorecipe
Tag : low carb diet, ketogenic diet,keto diet, weight loss, keto plan, keto meals, keto recipe, ketosis, ketogenic for beginner

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