Jeongyeon's weight loss journey


Jeongyeon's weight loss journey

TWICE's Jeongyeon has been the talk of the town lately, especially after the release of the group's teaser photos for their comeback with 'Ready to Be.' Fans and Korean netizens alike have been amazed by her weight loss journey, which has been a topic of discussion for the past few years.


Jeongyeon has always been open about her weight struggles, which were caused by various reasons like neck pain, panic, and anxiety issues. Her sudden weight changes have worried fans in the past, but her recent appearance change has been met with praise and admiration.


Many fans were thrilled to see Jeongyeon looking healthy and slimmer, with some even commenting on how she managed to lose so much weight. Some fans also expressed their concern for her well-being, hoping that she did not push herself too much to achieve her current physique. Despite the worries, fans praised her dedication to her health and fitness and wished her happiness and good health.


Jeongyeon 's weight loss journey serves as an inspiration to many who are struggling with similar issues. Her transformation proves that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible. We can't wait to see more of Jeongyeon's incredible transformation and talent in TWICE's upcoming comeback.

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